A NSW Government website

The following application to modify development consent has been received:


Application No


NSW Planning Portal No


Name of Applicant(s)

Mr Chad Thomas Bryant Wilson

Property Description

Lot: 1 DP: 1279044

Description of Proposed Development

Alterations to guest house internal and external, new double garage, accessible pathways between buildings and new retaining wall to parking

Advertising Period

23 February 2024 to 08 March 2024


The full application and accompanying documents relating to the development to which this notice refers can be viewed at the Board’s office from 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday (not including public holidays) for the period indicated above or on the Board’s website.



Written submissions on the developments should be addressed to Chief Executive Officer, Lord Howe Island Board, by mail PO Box 5, Lord Howe Island NSW 2898 or email [email protected], quoting the relevant Development Application number, and lodged with the Board between the dates specified under the Exhibition Period. 


If a submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. Should you lodge a submission in relation to a proposal you may be invited to attend a facilitation conference with the applicant to explore the possibility of a solution to your concerns. Please include a contact telephone or fax number with your submission. Submissions received may be read, copied and made available to the developer and other members of the public. To maintain privacy, the Board will screen personal details such as the author of representations. However, any person, under Government Information Public Access Act 2009 and other legislation, may seek access to submissions. The Board is therefore unable to provide assurance that documents will remain confidential.


As a result of amendments to the EP&A Act 1979 and Local Government(LG) Act 1993 which commenced 1st October 2008, all relevant planning applications (eg: LEPs, Section 94 Plans, DCPs and development applications or modifications) and all relevant public submissions are required to disclose information relating to all reportable political donations and gifts (if any) made by any person with a financial interest in the application or submission within two (2) years before the application or submission is made and ending when the application is determined.  If the political donations and gifts were made after the application or submission was made, the disclosure must be made within seven days after the donations and gifts were made. The disclosure relates to:

  • All reportable political donations made to any local councillor, and
  • All gifts made to any elected Board member or employee.


It is an offence if a disclosure of a reportable political donation or gift is not made.  Information on whether you are required to make a disclosure and a copy of the disclosure form are available at the Board's Administration Office.  Note that in accordance with the Act, your disclosure will be made available for viewing to the public at the Board's Administration Office.-