A NSW Government website

Advertised development

Where to view development notifications

The application details and plans relating to developments applications and determinations may be viewed:

  • online through the NSW Planning Portal; and
  • at the Lord Howe Island Board Administration Office, Bowker Ave, Lord Howe Island between 8.30am and 4:30pm, Monday to Friday (public holidays excepted) for the period indicated.


See all advertised development plans


Lodging a submission

Written submissions on developments should be addressed to:

The Chief Executive Officer, Lord Howe Island Board
PO Box 5
Lord Howe Island
NSW 2898

Submissions may also be lodged online through the NSW Planning Portal.

Submissions should:

  • quote the relevant Development Application number
  • be lodged with the Board between the dates specified as the Exhibition Period
  • include your contact telephone of fax number
  • specify the grounds of objection (if any).

Should you lodge a submission in relation to a proposal you may be invited to attend a facilitation conference with the applicant to explore the possibility of a solution to your concerns. Submissions received may be read, copied and made available to the developer and other members of the public. To maintain privacy, the Board will screen personal details such as the author of representations. However, any person, under the Government Information Public Access Act 2009 and other legislation, may seek access to submissions. The Board is therefore unable to provide assurance that documents will remain confidential.

Political donations and gifts

As a result of amendments to the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 and Local Government Act 1993, which commenced 1st October 2008, all relevant planning applications and all relevant public submissions must disclose information relating to all reportable political donations and gifts (if any) made by any person with a financial interest in the application or submission within two years before the application or submission is made and ending when the application is determined. If the political donations and gifts were made after the application or submission was made, the disclosure must be made within seven days after the donations and gifts were made. The disclosure relates to:

  • all reportable political donations made to any local councillor, and
  • all gifts made to any elected Board member or employee.

It is an offense if disclosure of a reportable political donation or gift is not made. Note that in accordance with the Act, your disclosure will be made available for viewing to the public at the Board's Administration Office.


Where the Development Application is submitted and determined on line through the NSW Planning Portal that determination will be notified and available on the NSW Planning Portal.

If public notice of the granting of a consent or a complying development certificate is given in accordance with the regulations by a consent authority or a certifier, the validity of the consent or certificate cannot be questioned in any legal proceedings except those commenced in the Court by any person at any time before the expiration of 3 months from the date on which public notice is given.