A NSW Government website

Lord Howe Island Board

Dwelling Allocation Application now being accepted

Applications for six dwelling entitlements to allow new dwellings to be built on an existing Perpetual Lease through sub-division or multiple occupancy opened on Monday 31st July.

Application forms

Joint application forms for eligible Perpetual Leaseholders and proposed new lessees and a package of resources are available on the LHIB’s website or can be collected from the LHIB Administration Office.

Completed forms should be emailed to [email protected] or mailed to:

Robert Waldersee
Level 18, 1 Margaret Street
Sydney, NSW 2000

Please do not deliver, mail, or email application to the Board.

For electronic submissions, please use the following file naming convention to ensure that your application is processed as efficiently as possible:


Applications must be received by 5pm on Sunday, 27 August.

Updated eligibility criteria

Updated eligibility criteria are now in place and can be viewed on LHIB’s website.

Eligible applications will be entered into a public ballot to be drawn in early November.

For questions about your application, please contact [email protected]


Yours sincerely,

Suzie Christensen

Chief Executive Officer