Protecting the Island from weeds
Noxious weeds are categorised according to a plant's detrimental effect on the environment or its ability to cause severe economic loss to agriculture. The management of noxious weeds is mandatory and prescribed under the NSW Noxious Weeds Act 1993. It is important to remove noxious weeds as it helps fulfil our role in protecting the island’s World Heritage Values and our obligations under the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN).
Annual noxious weed inspections
The Lord Howe Island Board is recognised as a Noxious Weed Control Authority and is responsible for administrating the Act on Lord Howe Island. As a Noxious Weed Control Authority, the Lord Howe Island Board conducts annual noxious weed inspections of perpetual and special leases to assist lessees in identifying any noxious weed problems.
The noxious weeds inspection process
As a Noxious Weed Control Authority, the Lord Howe Island Board conducts annual noxious weed inspections of perpetual and special leases to identify any noxious weed problems.
Leaseholders and/or occupiers will be contacted and advised that an inspection of their property will take place. A range of inspection dates will be provided, and Leaseholders may be present during the inspection.
After an inspection, you will receive a letter informing you of your noxious weed control obligations.
If no noxious weeds are found, you will receive a 'No Weeds Letter', but it is recommended that you regularly search your property for noxious weeds.
If any noxious weeds are identified on your property, you will receive a 'Weeds Found Letter' noting which weeds have been found and information to assist you in their control.
What noxious weeds are on the Island?
Up to 68 invasive plant species are declared noxious for Lord Howe Island.
The list of declared weed species may seem onerous; however, many weeds are very limited in occurrence on Lord Howe Island.
- List of noxious weeds for NSW and Lord Howe Island (PDF)(535.83 KB)
Who needs to control weeds?
On Lord Howe Island, the Act requires leaseholders to control noxious weeds on their land and the Lord Howe Island Board to control noxious weeds on Crown Lands. The Act prescribes a variety of management options from the prohibition of sale and trade to enforced control. The Lord Howe Island Board controls noxious weeds on crown land as part of the Weed Eradication Program.
Weed identification
If you are uncertain about identifying a potential weedy plant, contact the Lord Howe Island Board for advice or refer to NSW WeedWise for species profiles.
Weed control techniques
Some noxious weeds can be hard to control. Use the information in the brochure below to choose the best weed control method, and to save time and money.
- Recommended weed control techniques (PDF)(2.55 MB)
Assistance in removing noxious weeds
Contact the Lord Howe Island Board if you require assistance in identifying or removing noxious weeds.